Faces of War

.ثلاثية: الحرب،الجوع والمرض

في الحديدة هناك جدار فقط يفصل بين من هم في السماء ومن هم على الرصيف، ومجيء الحرب فاقم هذه الكارثة ليلصق جلد الناس بعظمهم. فهنا بدأت المجاعة والأمراض التي انتشرت الى بقية البلاد، في ظل صمت داخلي وخارجي مخيف. هناك جدار صمت متين حول هذه المنطقه ولا يتخلله لإهتمام إلا في مواسم معينة, فالإنسان هنا منسي تماما.
صوره لجداريتي “ثلاثية: الحرب، الجوع والمرض” والتي رسمتها في مدينة الحديدة بتاريخ 25 نوفمبر 2017، وهي الأولى ضمن مجموعتي الفنية الجديدة بعنوان “وجوه الحرب”.
تصوير: نجيب سبيع

Trilogy of War, Hunger, and Illness

In Hudaydah, a mere wall is separating those who live above the sky from those living on the sides of the streets. The coming of war has only exacerbated this catastrophe to make thier bodies nothing but skin and bones. The starvation and epidemics emerged here only to spread wide and flourish across the country, under the auspices of a horrific silence from the inside and the outside alike. There’s a solid wall of silence built around this area that cannot be penetrated unless with some seasonal interest; people here are completely
My mural “Trilogy of War, Hunger, and Illness”, painted in Hudaydah city, November 25, 2017. It’s also the first mural in my new art collection “Faces of War”.
Photo by: Najeeb Subay




عندما وصلت الحديدة, مررت بهذا المكان في الصورة, كانت هناك امرأتان تطبخان على قدر فوق كومة من الأحجار والحطب. كان حولهن أطفالهن وخلفهن هيكل يشبه الكوخ مرفوع بأعمدة خشبية وفوقه منشورة خرق من الملابس البالية. ما زالت في ذاكرتي ابتسامتهن على الرغم من قساوة حياتهن. رجعت ثاني يوم إلى نفس المكان لأطبق هذه الجدارية على جدار مطبخهن الذي على الرصيف, والتي اسميتها ب “تهامة”.
جداريتي الثالثة والتي طبقتها على الجدار في مدينة الحديدة، 25 نوفمبر 2017, ضمن مجموعتي الفنية “وجوه الحرب”.

تصوير: نجيب سبيع


When I arrived at Hudaydah, I passed by this exact place shown in the image. There were two women cooking on a pile of stones and wood. They were surrounded by their children and behind them a cottage-like structure raised with wooden pillars and above it were worn-out clothes. I still remember their smile despite their harsh lives. I returned the next day to the same place to put this mural on the wall of their “kitchen” on the pavement, and named the mural “Tihama”.
I installed the mural in Hudaydah, November 25, 2017. It’s part of the new art collection Faces of War (FOW).

Photo by: Najeeb Subay




هنا بلد بلا باب .. تماما كهذا الملعب الذي نُزع بابه، وتحول بعدها إلى مكب للنفايات والفضلات. يتمسك الأطفال بفتحة الباب الصغيرة على أمل انه ما يزال هنالك باب يمكن أن يحمي. ولكن .. لا يوجد أنصاص أبواب، فإما باب كامل وإلا فهناك فتحة كبيرة يدخل منها كل شيء.

جداريتي الثانية بعنوان “الهاوية” ضمن مجموعتي الفنية الجديدة “وجوه الحرب”، رسمتها على باب ما كان يدعى بالملعب الرياضي، مدينة الحديدة، 25 نوفمبر 2017.


This is country without a door .. just like this stadium which its door has been ripped off, turning it into a garbage dump. The children are holding on to the door opening in the hope that there’s still a door that can secure and protect. But there aren’t half doors; either it’s a complete door or else it’s a huge opening through which everything can pass.

My second mural “Abyss”, painted in Hudaydah city, November 25, 2017. The mural is part of the new art collection “Faces of War”



“أطفال الركام”

خلال سنوات الحرب كان الأمر الجلي والوحيد، هو ان المتحاربين على رؤوسنا لا يقيموا أي وزن لحياة الأبرياء، وفي مقدمتهم الأطفال. تبتلع الحرب وأطرافها روح هذا الشعب واحلامه ولا يشعر بهذه الحرب إلا الأبرياء.
جداريتي على بقايا إحدى المنازل في شارع 16، صنعاء, ضمن مجموعة “وجوه الحرب (فو)”، 14 مايو 2018.

“Children of Rubble”

Amidst the chaos of war, one thing is as clear as the sun: all sides of war don’t care about the lives of innocents, especially children. War and its allies are swallowing the spirits and dreams of people .. and war continues to be felt only by the innocents.
My mural on the rubble of a house at 16th Street, Sana’a, as part of “Faces of War (FOW)” collection, May 14, 2018.

Child of Rubble
Child of Rubble


“أنيك الحرب”
أكبر عدوا للحرب هو التشبث بالحياة وأساليبها، ومقاومة الكراهية التي أنتجتها الحرب وظروفها القاسية.
جداريتي على بقايا بناء قديم، في شارع الستين، ضمن مجموعة “وجوه الحرب (فو)”, 14 مايو 2018.
*أعتذر على تسمية الجدارية الفجة, لكنها تصف حال اليمنيين اليوم ونظرتهم للحرب وللعيش في زمنها.
“Fuck War”
The ultimate enemy of the war is holding on to life and resisting the hatred that it has generated.
I painted this mural in the 60th street, as part of my street art collection “Faces of War (#FOW)”, May 14, 2018.
* I apologize for the crude title of the mural, It just so happens that it explains best Yemenis outlook on life during the war.
Fuck War
Fuck War



على جدار متحف “حروب الإمبريالية” بريطانيا, مايو 2019.


On the wall of the “Imperial Museum of War”, England, May 2019.

“Devoured”, photo by IWM


“الجيل الضائع”

جيل بأكمله تم تضييعه منذ بداية إجتياح المدن عام 2014 وحتى الحرب الحالية التي بدأت عام 2015، لقد تم هدر أحلام الشباب والشابات والشعب اليمني الذي تطلع في يوما ما منذ سنوات للحاق بالعالم، ليعيش كباقي الشعوب في حرية وعدل.

جداريتي “الجيل الضائع”, ضمن مجموعة “وجوه الحرب”, على جدار في العاصمة البريطانية “لندن”, 5 يوليو 2019.

شكر خاص للرائع “روب ماكينس” لكل جهوده بذلها في توفير المكان اللازم لي لعمل الجداريات وللصديقة “سميه بخش”

“Lost Generation”

An entire generation has been lost from the beginning of the invasion of the cities in 2014 until the ongoing war that started in 2015. The dreams of the young people and the Yemenis (it is the same for the people in the region), who someday dreamt to live like the rest of the world in freedom and justice.

“The Lost Generation”, part “The Faces of War” street art collection, on a wall in London, July 5, 2019

A special thanks to the wonderful “Robbie Macinnes” who helped me with finding a place to do my murals and to my friend “Sumaya Baksh”.

Lost Generation111111


“الأم المكلومة”

  لم يعد لدي ما أقوله فيما يحصل في اليمن والمنطقة, من حروب ودمار وموت.

جداريتي, “الأم المكلومة”, على جدار في مدينة “لندن, بريطانيا”, 5 يوليو 2019.

“Hollowed Mother”

I no longer have anything to say about what happens in Yemen and the region, wars, destruction and death.

My recent mural “Hollowed Mother”, in “London, UK”, July 5th, 2019.

Hollowed Mother London2


“الثورة حق”
كان يفترض بي أن أنفذ هذه الجدارية في “السودان”. قد كنت اشتغلت عليها أثناء الثورة السودانية. لم يحالفني الحظ الكافي برسمها في هناك.
الحرية للسودان ولكل شعوب العالم، من القهر والظلم والجهل.

جداريتي ضمن حملة “وجوه الحرب”، منطقة بيلفيل، باريس، فرنسا. ١٣ أغسطس ٢٠١٩.

“Revolution is a MUST”

I supposed to paint this mural in Sudan. I had worked on it during the Sudanese revolution. I was not lucky enough to do it in Sudan.

Freedom for Sudan and for all the people in the world who seek freedom from oppression, injustice and ignorance.

My mural as part of “Faces of War” campaign, Belleville, Paris, France. August 13, 2019.

Revolution is a MUST
Revolution is a MUST


“Faces of War” Paris

The War in Yemen: More than 230,000 dead, since 2014

A minute of silence, in solidarity.

Today, in the city center of Paris, I worked on my most recent mural “Selfie Faces of War” measuring 3.2 x 8 meters, which is an extension of the virtual campaign, that I launched October 2020, where hundreds of people from around the world, took part in this action, to denounce the war in Yemen and around the world.


“19 Faces of War” Port de Bouc

On Saturday January 16, 2021, a wall mural 40 meters long and two meters high which I worked on at the entrance to Port-de-Bouc.
The mural consists of 19 posters, nineteen faces of French people who participated in the “Faces of War” selfie campaign that I launched in October 2020, in the form of a virtual campaign to condemn the war in Yemen.
This work was carried out in collaboration with the Center d’Art Fernand Léger, run by the brilliant Laure Lamarre and with the support of the city of Port-de-Bouc.
My special thanks to the team without which I could not have work on this wall: my wonderful friend Caroline Malatrait, the French artist Patrick Malatrait and my friend Shady Abu Zeid


War of Bargains”

Nothing to add, a war raging for six years, and local and international parties using children and innocents as fuel for their wars.

The mural depicate a Yemeni child who participated in the campaign to protest against the continuation of the ongoing war.
The background shows the ancient Yemeni language “Al-Musnad”, in discription of The past and present of a forgotten country.

On a wall in Denoyez street, Paris. March 2021


“Happy War Days”

La Couronne Village, France. 14 December 2020.



For two weeks, I worked on a series of murals as part of a project I launched in the southern French city of “Martigues”, in title “War Garden”. It is a diverse series of murals and works of wartime and revolution.

Here is the fourth mural entitled “Drought” which shows war from a different perspective, which is the scarcity and lack of water in Yemen, which results in the death of thousands of innocent people annually in Yemen. Reports vary according to which the conflict over water results in 4000 victims annually.

Yemen is in the midst of a wind, and this is what we must all realize.



Seven years of War, death and oppression  in Yemen,

 where everything is being destroyed and divided.

My mural in the heart of Paris, exactly next to Seine River shore, between the musem of Louvre and the  Musem  d’Orsay, Paris 25 July 2021.

A special Thanks to the amazing friend  Jeannette Bougrab , Samuel Valkeapaa and the child May for their wonderful support.

Note: This mural inspired by the “Scream” the famous work of the Norwegian great painter Edvard Munch.


“Faces of War” Montpellier

On July 10, in Montpellier, south of France, I pasted a murals of eight “faces of war” on a wall 28 meters wide and 2.5 meters high. Accompanying the portraits, my phrase “In times of war, even the smallest voices, calling for peace, can save lives.”



I dedicate my mural “Welcome” to all the migrants and refugees who left their countries to escape the scourge of war, and who, on their way to find a safe place, died, in seas, oceans, deserts and borders.

I made this work at the request of an Italian organization which they asked me to design a work about migrants and refugees, which was supposed to realize this fresco on the occasion of the G20 summit in Italy, but unfortunately the fresco was censored by the municipality and prevented from being realized.

  At the same time, I received an invitation to the “Street Art Fest Grenoble Alpes” in the city of Grenoble in eastern France, where I made the mural on a wall of about 7 meters high and 6 meters wide.



Since the outbreak of the war, the parties to the war, especially in the north, have sought to use all means of dirty war, including the recruitment of children, which was and is more severe, especially after the systematic destruction of the educational system, which in turn left millions of children without education, as well as the militias of various types and agendas by recruiting and brainwashing thousands of children, taking advantage of the poverty that people have reached in Yemen.

“Yasser” is the name of my 14-year-old cousin, who was recruited by the Houthis militia backed by Iran and killed in one of the raging war zones in an airstrike by the coalition forces led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE in 2016.
This mural will be implemented on 11 August 2021, in the city of Aden, southern Yemen.
Dedication to the souls of thousand of children who were recruited and perished in this war that has been going on for seven years.

Special thanks to the Yemeni street artist Zuhair Dirham, who implemented this mural Aden city, South of Yemen, August 14, 2021


“Faces of War” Berlin.

“War is one of the evil roots, turning people into monsters and victims, and others watching and ignoring.”
This is my phrase on the mural “Faces of War” which I finished in Berlin on September 20, 2021.

I had the pleasure of collaborating with the “Human Rights Film Festival Berlin” by implementing my “Faces of War” at the main entrance of the festival, with dimensitons of 23.5 meters and a height of 3.3 meters. September 2021